<このマンガの語彙/New Words in this Manga>
はじめまして – Nice to meet you.
兼 (けん) – Concurrently / In addition to
アパート管理人 (アパートかんりにん) – Apartment manager
食事処 (しょくじどころ) – Eating place / Restaurant
料理長 (りょうりちょう) – Head chef
務める (つとめる) – To serve / To be in charge of / To fulfill (a duty or responsibility)
申します (もうします) – I am (used when introducing oneself with humility)
失礼ながら (しつれいながら) – With all due respect / If I may be frank
飲食店 (いんしょくてん) – Food and beverage establishment / Restaurant
経営 (けいえい) – Management / Operation (of a business)
される (しますの尊敬語) – To do (honorific expression of する, used to show respect to the action’s doer)
大したもの (たいしたもの) – Impressive / Remarkable
亡くなる (なくなる) – To pass away / To die
両親 (りょうしん) – Parents
やる – To do / To give (colloquial, casual verb)
継ぐ (つぐ) – To succeed / To inherit
祖父母 (そふぼ) – Grandparents
強いて言う (しいていう) – To say forcibly / To put it another way
桃 (もも) – Peach
生まれる (うまれる) – To be born
冒険 (ぼうけん) – Adventure
始まる (はじまる) – To begin / To start
<このマンガの文法/Grammars in this Manga>
As a self-introduction grammar, there are three grammar points you should remember.
First, when stating your name, use “~と申します” (~ to moushimasu). In this manga, Momotaro says, “ももたろう と もうします.As Dango introduces herself as “きびのだんご です.”, just using “~です” (~ desu) is also acceptable for self-introduction, but using “~と申します” gives a more polite impression. Additionally, “~と申します” is also an honorific form of “~と言います” (~ to iimasu). Therefore, you can use “~と言います” (ももたろうと いいます) as well, but using “~と申します” gives the most polite impression.
Next, when stating your place of origin, use “~から参りました” (~ kara mairimashita). This is also an honorific form of “~から来ました” (~ kara kimashita). Therefore, “おかやま から きました” is also acceptable, but using “おかやま から まいりました” gives a more polite impression.
Finally, let’s learn “~ております” (~ te orimasu). This grammar is also a humble form of “~ています” (~ teimasu), and saying “りょうりちょうを つとめて います” is also acceptable, but using “りょうりちょうを つとめて おります” feels more polite. This is a good grammar to use when you want to convey what kind of work or position you have.
By using “~と申します” (~ to moushimasu), “~から参りました” (~ kara mairimashita), and “~ております” (~ te orimasu), you will be able to make a good first impression! ^_^